Privacy Notice
The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to inform you about the treatment that will be given to your personal data when they are collected, used, stored and / or transferred by Administrative Services to Parques Industriales S.A. de C.V., from now on SAPISA who is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, located at Kilometer 10.5 Carretera a San Luis SN, Industrial Park las Californias, Mexicali, CP. 21394, Baja California, Mexico and Internet portal https://www.iamsa.com.mx/.
The personal data that were provided by you through the sending of your resume, resume or the filing of the request that was provided for that purpose, is intended to cover a job vacancy, personal data that You provide us will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals (LFPDPPP), its Rules of Procedure, the Privacy Notice Guidelines, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 17, 2013 The Data Holder may at any time obtain a copy of the aforementioned laws and regulations at the address of the person responsible for the Department of Personal Data or request it at the following e-mail address: derechosARCO@iamsa.com.mx
The personal data that SAPISA collects from you will use them for the following purposes that are necessary for the service you request:
– Know your skills, knowledge and consider it for a job vacancy is in the companies of Grupo IAMSA or those companies to whom SAPISA provides services of a job.
– Support the user in joining a job.
– Streamline and improve their job insertion, through orientation and training for a job.
– Offer the user opportunities in the job search.
The personal data that you provide us will be shared with companies of the IAMSA GROUP, as well as those companies occupying the industrial parks administered by GRUPO IAMSA and to whom they are provided services of labor exchange.
When sending and / or delivering your resume, resume or application for employment, you authorize the processing of your personal data for the purposes indicated here, as well as to make the forward transmissions indicated.
SAPISA informs you what personal data you use to carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice: Those data that you incorporate into your resume or resume. Name, date of birth, address, private and cellular telephone, e-mail, general knowledge and skills that you possess, academic level and data that verify your degree, autograph signature, information about previous jobs; Amount of income and salary you want.
In addition to the personal data mentioned above, in order to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes, we will use the following personal data considered as sensitive: Marital status and gender. All these data are necessary to fulfill the obligations derived from the requested service.
SAPISA collects and / or uses and / or stores and / or transmits your personal data, insofar as the LFPDPPP and its regulations permit, this to offer the service of the job exchange and to fulfill the obligations derived from the contract Entered into with a third party recipient of your personal information, that is, the companies to which SAPISA provides services directly or indirectly from a job exchange; SAPISA may make uses of your personal data for other purposes, provided it has been specifically authorized or requested by you.
SAPISA will only treat them for the purpose of providing the intermediation service (labor market) and, if appropriate, consider it as a candidate to fill a vacancy and eventually establish a working relationship with one of the companies for which SAPISA provides Work, in which case, the legal person with whom you eventually contracted will be responsible for the processing of your personal data. The personal data that you provide to SAPISA will be kept safe and identified so that it is not misused.
We inform you that SAPISA shares your personal data within the country with third parties that are interested in your profile to consider it in a personnel selection process. Your data will be transmitted, for the following purposes:
Addressee | Purpose |
Companies occupying the Industrial Park in which you apply to the vacancy | Consider their incorporation to cover a job vacancy that the occupant of the Industrial Park requires. |
Companies that are part of the “IAMSA GROUP” | Consider joining to fill a job vacancy. |
Job boards: National Employment Service. National Chamber of Industry and Transformation. Municipal Social Development. Association of Maquiladoras of Mexicali AC. | That the recipients promote their profile with companies outside SAPISA, GRUPO IAMSA or its clients, so that the holder covers a job vacancy. |
Public agencies, Courts, Public Ministry, among others | In the event that any dispute arises between the Owner and / or “GRUPO IAMSA” and / or any Customer / Supplier thereof. |
SAPISA will ensure, through the signing of agreements, documents and / or the adoption of policies, that those third parties with whom they share their data maintain adequate security, administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard their personal data, Makes it known that at the time that said third parties receive their personal data will take the form of Responsible for processing their personal data, said third parties will only treat their data in accordance with this privacy notice this is for the purposes for which they were collected And in case of being eligible to fill a job vacancy, those purposes corresponding to sustaining an employment relationship.
All documents provided by you, as it is, the application for employment and / or curriculum vitae and attachments will be transferred by SAPISA to the aforementioned recipients, always taking the necessary security measures and confidentiality. SAPISA will store your personal data for a period of one year until the procedure of recruitment and selection of personnel is completed, after that period, your data will be destroyed in accordance with the policy of life and destruction of data of the organization.
(Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition to the Processing of Personal Data)
You are informed that you have access rights to know what personal information we have about you, what we use them for and the conditions of use we give them; Right of rectification to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete; Cancellation that your information be removed from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly; As well as Opposition right to the use of your personal data for specific purposes.
For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights, you may submit the respective application through the personal data department of SAPISA located at Kilometer 10.5 Road to San Luis SN, Industrial Park las Californias, Mexicali, CP. 21394, Baja California, Mexico.
Regarding the procedure and requirements for the exercise of any of your ARCO rights, we inform you the following:
b) The means by which the owner can exercise his rights ARCO, will be through written signed, addressed to Administrative Services to Parques Industriales S.A. Of C.V. Said document must contain the full name of the holder, address, e-mail in which he can receive a reply, in said letter he must describe and indicate which or which rights he intends. You can also exercise your ARCO rights through the formats that SAPISA has for this purpose and that can be provided directly to the Personal Data department at the SAPISA address.
c) Within a maximum period of twenty working days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, we will communicate the determination adopted, so that, if it is appropriate, it becomes effective within The fifteen working days following the date on which the reply is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the identity of the applicant or legal representative, as the case may be, shall be provided. The aforementioned periods may be extended once only for an equal period, provided that the circumstances of the case so warrant.
d) The response will be made known by means of the e-mail indicated in the ARCO request for rights or at the address of the responsible person at the end of the first twenty working day period for the determination and at the end of the fifteen working day period Make it effective, that is, to give you access, make the correction, cancel or resolve on opposition to the processing of your personal data.
e) The information will be delivered in printed or digital form depending on the medium requested by the Data Holder.
In order for you to revoke and limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we inform you that SAPISA has a personal data department which is in charge of processing applications for ARCO rights, revocation and informing and clarifying Doubts regarding the treatment, use, and disclosure of your data.
You may revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data or limit its use or disclosure. However, it is important to bear in mind that in all cases we will not be able to attend to your request or conclude the use immediately, as it is possible that for some legal obligation we will continue to treat your personal data. Likewise, you must consider that for certain purposes, revocation of your consent will imply that the rendering of the service is impossible.
In order to carry out any process with the personal data department, you must prove your personality through an official identification with a photograph and present a document that complies with the same characteristics indicated in section b of this notice, indicating in this your desire to Revocate And / or limit the use and disclosure of your personal information.
You are informed that the exercise of ARCO rights and / or request for revocation and / or request to cease the use and disclosure of your data, may NOT be performed through email, since the Department of Personal Data must ensure The identity of the owner, through the mail you may obtain and receive all information related to this privacy notice, the project data protection of the company, and post-ARCO follow-up, revocation and limitation of use and disclosure of your personal data.
To obtain information about the procedure and requirements for the exercise of your rights or obtain information about the procedure you must do so through:
– E-mail: derechosARCO@iamsa.com.mx
– At the address located at Kilometer 10.5 Highway to San Luis SN, Industrial Park Las Californias, Mexicali, CP. 21394, Baja California, Mexico.
SAPISA informs you that in Internet portal https://www.iamsa.com.mx/ does not use web beacons, cookies or other browser crawlers, nor does it store third party cookies. However, it has the Google Analytics tracking code that is a universal tool to know the user’s behavior within the site and provides anonymous information about it, it should be noted that this information is directly consulted on Google, that is, your information is not stored on the SAPISA platform..
In addition, we provide the following links found on the Internet, which are not the responsibility of SAPISA, but which can help you to consult all the references to the first and second paragraphs of this chapter:
- http://www.cookie-checker.com/
- https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage
This privacy notice may be subject to changes, changes or updates arising from new legal requirements, new projects, our privacy practices, or other causes.
If there are changes or modifications to the privacy notice we are committed to keeping you informed about these. If there is a change or update to this notice SAPISA will notify you of this change, in the following ways:
- At the address located at Kilometer 10.5 Highway to San Luis SN, Industrial Park the Californias, Mexicali, CP. 21394, Baja California, Mexico.
- https://www.iamsa.com.mx/
SAPISA is committed to the protection of your personal data, which is why it has implemented security and privacy policies for personal data in accordance with the obligations contained in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in the possession of private individuals.
We inform you that you can go to the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection at any time if you consider that your right to data protection has been violated.